Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Sponsor!

 Miles for the Cure is working!  I got my first sponsor on Sunday to find a cure for diabetes.  It works out to about ten cents per mile I will run by the time I hit the Marathon.  Huge shoutout to Joel and Deanna Dinverno.  You guys are awesome.

T Minus 18 days until I run in the Tough Mudder - Ohio.  I must be crazy.  Whoops.  I misspelled #motivated.  12 and a half grueling miles of rugged terrain.  25 military style obstacles.  I'm going to make it my bitch.

Put some miles in at the Jackson YMCA this morning.  I did a 5k in under 30 minutes for the first time since High School...13 years ago.  And it's only going to get better from here!

Lily's numbers have been pretty high lately.  This has both short and long term effects on her.  Long term high blood sugars result in neuropathy, loss of vision, limbs, the works.  Short term, she gets a little crazy and bratty when her sugar is high.  Both scare the hell out of me.  The good news is it was more under control today through strict portion control of her food.  Read the labels for serving sizes!

I read two articles about Type 1 Diabetics last week that brought me to tears. In the first one, a fellow parent of a T1D was writing about how her 12 year old daughter came home from school and just wanted to scream and scream "I HATE DIABETES" over and over in her room.  It hit home.  Hard.  95% of the time Lily is AWESOME about being diabetic.  She knows what she shouldn't eat and why, she does her own shots and pokes, and pretty much accepts her fate.  There have been more than a few times though that she has crawled in bed with me or Karly and cried herself to sleep about how much diabetes sucks.  I hate diabetes and everything about it.

The second article was about a teenager who died at a friend's house during a sleepover when she had flu like symptoms.  Great.  As if I wasn't worried enough about her going ANYWHERE without the VERY short list of people me and Karly trust to watch her. 

Jesus bore a cross for us, why can't I bear this cross for my little girl?!?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Registered for the JDRF Walk today!

It's been a pretty good day.  Got a nice run in at the YMCA and then went to the park to keep it going with some Hill (aka Murder) Loops.  I'm up to running 5k with no problem already.  Gonna be a great year for the running man!

Almost had a mini crisis in regards to my running plans.  My new nephew Luke is getting baptized on the day I was planning on doing the Tough Mudder, so I have to figure out a way to go on Saturday the 14th of April instead.  All I need is someone to drive with me so I can sleep on the way home.  Any takers?  No really.  I will pay for gas and buy some beers for you while you are there. 

I registered for the Jackson JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes today!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 15th.  The walk is at Ella Sharp Park in the morning, and just like last year, we will have a party at Jack and Debby's that afternoon and into the morning for all walkers, donors, friends, and family. 

People have been asking me how they can help.  We need donations!  I am doubling our team goal from last year.  We raised over $5,000 last year.  This year I know we can break $10k.  If you want to help, you can go to walk.jdrf.org and donate under team "Loving Lily" or donate to Michael Melnick (I am one of the team captains).  You can pledge a certain amount per mile, or a flat rate.  A nickel a mile will net about $25 by the time I run the Marathon in June. 

***If you want to follow my running progress, you can go to http://runkeeper.com/user/mikexcrun/activity

***Remember to go to walk.jdrf.org today to register or donate to Loving Lily!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear weather: Work with me here!

Wow.  Holy positive support Batman.  I love my friends and family.  Nothing brings me to tears more easily than diabetes and how much it sucks.  I would take ten times what she has to go through so she could be cured.  I love her and admire her.  To her (most of the time) it's just the way it is.  Could I handle it without slipping into a bottomless depression?  I just don't know.  Kudos to my little Sugar Cube.  You're braver than Daddy ever could be.

I can't wait for the weather to break for good.  Even to just 50 degrees without any dang ice.  I hate treadmills.  Hate, hate, HATE them.  But that's where I'm stuck.  Got another 2.5 miles in on Thursday. 

Thank God for health insurance.  I looked at the invoice the other day out of Lily's supply shipment.  With two types of insulin and all the supplies for one month, we would have to pay over $550/month.  Yeah, an average house payment so Lily can live.  Crazy when you put it into perspective.  What would YOU give up so your kid could live?  What sacrifices would you make?  Satellite, Internet, Cell Phones, switching to a used car on both, that would only bring us 80% there. 

On a good note:  I've dropped 14 pounds in the last 3-4 weeks.  As soon as I can get my fat legs to stop chafing and bleeding after running I will be happier though haha.  My goal weight is 210.  I'm hovering around 224 right now.  The miles will melt the pounds away. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1: An Idea

I started training for the Charlevoix Marathon today.  I'm at the Jackson YMCA on the treadmill, feeling pretty good, and it hit me: I could run for my five year old daughter, Lily.

Lily is a Type 1 Diabetic.  She gets 4-6 shots a day, and 6-8 finger pokes a day.  For you math wizards out there, that equates to about 1800 shots and 2500 finger pokes a year.  She has to watch everything she eats and drinks.  From fruits and veggies, to milk and juice.  And everything in between.  She gets stomach aches and turns pale when she is low.  She gets emotional and snotty when she is high.  She's an awesome kid when her blood sugars are in the right range.

Oh yeah, Lily is only five years old.

She was diagnosed July 21, 2010 at four years old.  Since then, her whole perception of a normal life has changed.  For her, counting carbs and not eating a lot of candy is normal.

Fast forward a year and a half.  We have done two "Walks to Cure Diabetes" in Jackson, raising over $7,000 total to find a cure.  Last year we hosted our first All Nighter Softball Tournament to raise money.  This year I want to BREEZE by $10,000.

I need your help.

I am using Lily as my reason to run.  I've wanted to run a marathon since I was 17 years old, but I'm a quitter.  For Lily, I would run to the moon and back, if it meant she wouldn't have diabetes anymore.  During my training I will be running over 600 miles in the next four months.  I am looking for pledges, a nickel a mile, a dime, a set amount.  Anything.  Hell, a penny a mile still puts us closer to a cure. 

You can follow my progress here:

See you tomorrow!
